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Application Load Balancer

ALB Basics

ALB Tips

  • Use ALBs to route to services that are hosted on shared clusters with dynamic port assignment (like ECS or Mesos).
  • ALBs support HTTP host-based routing (send HTTP requests for “” -> {target-group-1}, “” -> {target group 2}) as well as HTTP path-based routing (send HTTP requests for “/api/*” -> {target-group-1}, “/blog/*” -> {target group 2}).

ALB Gotchas and Limitations

  • 🔸ALBs only support HTTP/2 over HTTPS (no plain-text HTTP/2).
  • 🔸ALBs only support HTTP/2 to external clients and not to internal resources (instances/containers).
  • ALBs support HTTP routing but not port-based TCP routing.
  • Instances in the ALB’s target groups have to either have a single, fixed healthcheck port (“EC2 instance”-level healthcheck) or the healthcheck port for a target has to be the same as its application port (“Application instance”-level healthcheck) - you can't configure a per-target healthcheck port that is different than the application port.
  • ALBs are VPC-only (they are not available in EC2 Classic)
  • In a target group, if there is no healthy target, all requests are routed to all targets. For example, if you point a listener at a target group containing a single service that has a long initialization phase (during which the health checks would fail), requests will reach the service while it is still starting up.
  • 📜 Although ALBs now support SNI, they only support 25 HTTPS certificates per Load Balancer. This limitation is not described here, so it might be subject to change.