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Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service

  • prefix: sms-voice

Table of Contents



  • description: Create a new configuration set. After you create the configuration set, you can add one or more event destinations to it.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Create a new event destination in a configuration set.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": [


  • description: Deletes an existing configuration set.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Deletes an event destination in a configuration set.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Obtain information about an event destination, including the types of events it reports, the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination, and the name of the event destination.
  • access level: Read
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Return a list of configuration sets. This operation only returns the configuration sets that are associated with your account in the current AWS Region.
  • access level: Read
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Create a new voice message and send it to a recipient's phone number.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": []


  • description: Update an event destination in a configuration set. An event destination is a location that you publish information about your voice calls to. For example, you can log an event to an Amazon CloudWatch destination when a call fails.
  • access level: Write
  • resource types
    "": {
        "resource_type": "",
        "required": false,
        "condition_keys": [],
        "dependent_actions": [